Once upon a time, there was a man named RAT. RAT was lonely, being on his own in the harsh world, and he wanted to find the one to spend his life with. Then one day RAT met his CAT and they married and were very happy together. But a long time passed, and they felt like something was missing. Almost eight years later, they were finally fulfilled by the arrival of Little CAT. She's who this page is all about. Visit here to see her life as it unfolds, and pictures of the rat and his two cats.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Cathy's Music

Little CAT takes after her Mom, Dad, and Grandma Jimmie... She LOVES to sing.
She does so well, but is tough to get a good recording of.

She has some music recorded on a couple of Karaoke web-sites, and also has some songs that are her favorite to listen too.. she will listen to them repeatedly... 'Gramma ABC'? 'AGAIN? You already listened to it 19 times this morning!' 'Gramma ABC'? 'O.K... 20 it is...'

I'm going to try to put her favorites, both by her - TwinkleCAT or TwinkleStarCAT depending on site... and by her other favorites to listen too...

Gramma ABC's

CATHY Twinkle Twinkle

Uncle ROBERT Twinkle Twinkle

DADDY and CATHY Twinkle Twinkle

MOMMY Twinkle Twinkle

MOMMY Itsy Bitsy Spider

CATHY Wheels on the BUS

CATHY Old Macdonalds

(Which is, by the way, her name for the well known children's eating establishment.)

CATHY Birthday to you

MOMMY Hickory Dickory Dock



MOMMY All the Pretty Little Horses
(This is in music only form on her disk of Lullabyes)

MOMMY Brahams Lullabye

placeholder 2

as I said, I have a LOT to say!


I have so much to say... Cathy is 2 1/2 now.
It'll have to wait until later, but here's a placeholder.